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FEW helpful commands in linux

How do you create a file in UNIX cat > filename this will create a file adn allows you to enter text and to come out of the file,press ctrl+d.Then teh file will be created. touch command can also be used to create file.but this will create empty file. using Vi editor also the files can be created. and few more editor like "ed" can also be used. hence there are many ways to create a file in unix.

Creative commons

Few Terms related to CC  - Commons :  The Commons refers to resources that are collectively owned. [1] This can include everything from land to software. [2] The process by which the commons are transformed into private property is often termed enclosure . [source : wikipedia ] The public domain (public ownership of creative works) is an intellectual property designation for the range of content that is not owned or controlled by anyone. These materials are "public property", and available for anyone to use freely (the "right to copy" [1] ) for any purpose. The public domain is most often discussed in contrast to works whose use is restricted by copyright . Under modern law, most original works of art, literature, music, etc. are covered by copyright from the time of their creation for a limited period of time (which varies by country). When the copyright expires, the work enters the public domain. The public domain can be defined in contrast to several f...

How to Play movies and songs in ubuntu from command line

$ totem --help Usage:   totem [OPTION...] -: Play movies and songs Help Options:   -h, --help                        Show help options   --help-all                        Show all help options   --help-gst                        Show GStreamer Options   --help-gtk                        Show GTK+ Options   --help-sm-client                  Show session management options Application Options:   --debug ...

Install Flash Player 10 in Ubuntu Linux

You must uninstall any currently installed Flash Player before installing the beta under Linux or Mac / Windows computer. Open Firefox and type following at url box: about:plugins Install flash 10 Player on Ubuntu Visit this url and grab .deb file. Uninstall old flashplayer 9 ( if installed ): $ sudo apt-get remove flashplugin-nonfree Now, install Flash 10 (make sure Firefox is not running ): $ sudo dpkg -i install_flash_player_10_linux.deb Start firefox and type about:plugins . You should see list of plugins including Flash 10. Flash 10 64 bit Linux version However, there is no 64 bit version of Flash 10 exists for Linux systems. You can install and use Flash, Java, Real Player 32 bit plugins under 64 bit Linux Firefox version -------------------------------------------- ABOUT : Adobe flash player version 10 (code-named "Astro" ) has been released and available for download. It has many new features such as: + Visual performance improvements + 3D effects +...

Some useful linux commands

Copy/Paste in Linux : In linux highlighting text will put it into the clipboard, and pressing your mouse centre button or mouse wheel will paste it. If you have no centre button or mouse wheel, press left and right buttons at the same time. Middle button copy/paste works in almost all applications including terminal windows. Some applications such as KDE and OpenOffice also support Windows style CtlC/CtlV Copy/Paste. So for example you could use either CtlC/CtlV or mouse wheel click to transfer data between Kwrite and Open Office. There is a setting in OpenOffice to define the behaviour of mouse wheel click. [] Auto fill in Linux : The complete command in bash lets you associate file types with certain applications. If after associating a file type to an application you were to write the name of the application and press Tab, only files with associated file types would be displayed. Even smarter completion By default, Tab compl...