Steps followed : 1. change hosts file 2.sudo apt-get install ssh 3. save public keys as 'authorized_keys' ssh-keygen cd ~/.ssh cat > authorized_keys 4. download cloudera repo from "wget" 5. install this file using "sudo dpkg -i cdh5-repository_1.0_all.deb" 6. download cloudera install manager from "wget" 7. change permission on file "chmod +x cloudera-manager-installer.bin" 8. start the installer "sudo ./cloudera-manager-installer.bin" 9. follow steps and your install is complete. Errors faced while installtion : 1. After step 8 Errors faced as I had previous Cloudera installations on my system . Resolution : unsinstall the previous installation if any . -->sudo /usr/share/cmf/uninstall-clo...