1. Download drupal(latest stable version ) from drupal.org
2. unzip and transfer to website root , say
/var/www/drupal6.13/ - ubuntu
/httpdocs/ -centOS
Or you can make a subdir inside these folders if you have more than more sites running on the server.
3. Then go to http://localhost/test/drupal-6.17/ OR
http://yourwebsiteURL.com/drupal-6.13 and simply follow the steps given and refer to INSTALL.txt file inside the drupal folder !
Some useful command and things you may require while configuring Drupal :
1. command to check the Privilages any user has on databases
Solution : increase the memory limit tp 128 in php.ini file *( you can chk the location of php.ini file in status report of admin section of drupal- pho version )
3. Command to restart the apache (you may need this at times after installing of some modules)
> sudo /etc/init.d/apache2
4. Command to chk the GDB installation and version
> apt-cache showpkg php5-gd
you may need to check this when you get the following error :
Problem in status report file :
The GD library for PHP is missing or outdated. Please check the PHP image documentation for information on how to correct this.
Video For How to Download /Install Drupal :
Video: Download /Install
For further reading :
2. unzip and transfer to website root , say
/var/www/drupal6.13/ - ubuntu
/httpdocs/ -centOS
Or you can make a subdir inside these folders if you have more than more sites running on the server.
3. Then go to http://localhost/test/drupal-6.17/ OR
http://yourwebsiteURL.com/drupal-6.13 and simply follow the steps given and refer to INSTALL.txt file inside the drupal folder !
Some useful command and things you may require while configuring Drupal :
1. command to check the Privilages any user has on databases
2. You may get this Error at some point of time when you install diff modules, so its suggested to increase the memory size as mentioned below.Fatal error: Allowed memory size of 16777216 bytes exhausted (tried to allocate 168767 bytes) in /var/www/test/drupal-6.17/includes/menu.inc on line 966
Solution : increase the memory limit tp 128 in php.ini file *( you can chk the location of php.ini file in status report of admin section of drupal- pho version )
3. Command to restart the apache (you may need this at times after installing of some modules)
> sudo /etc/init.d/apache2
4. Command to chk the GDB installation and version
> apt-cache showpkg php5-gd
you may need to check this when you get the following error :
Problem in status report file :
The GD library for PHP is missing or outdated. Please check the PHP image documentation for information on how to correct this.
Video For How to Download /Install Drupal :
Video: Download /Install
For further reading :