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Showing posts from December, 2008

OOPS/Perl Examples + Excercises

Exercise: Imagine the following situation. Software is to be written to handle information about the aircraft housed at a particular airport. There are various kinds of these aircraft and these fall into three categories: personal, elite and passenger. Personal and elite aircraft are privately owned and the airport keeps information about the owner’s name and contact details. Personal aircraft are never piloted by the airport’s pilots. Elite aircraft also have a V.I.P. associated with them. Elite aircraft are usually owned by companies but usually use the airport’s pilots. Passenger aircraft are owned by the airport and have a regular route with predetermined destinations and only use the airport’s pilots. All aircrafts have fuel quantities, hanger numbers, a maximum person carrying capacity as well as luggage and cargo, a maximum flying distance and several other values. 1. What classes can you identify in this description? 2. Draw these classes and their relations to each other. Can ...
Should we allow our staff to use social networking sites? Some people say they are dangerous but I can't see how. Can you explain the dangers? > EXPERT RESPONSE There's nothing wrong with using Facebook, other than the potential impact on working time, but that's not a security matter! The issue is in how your staff configures Facebook, and what information they place on it. A few tips to pass on to your staff: Don't allow anyone that isn't part of your network of 'friends' to see your profile. Don't allow non-friends to see your friends. Why? I could easily impersonate one of your friends, fake a new profile, and send you an invite. You accept, thinking a genuine friend has created a new profile, then I'm in your network of friends and can see your profile. Think about what information is in your profile. What would be useful in stealing your identity? Date of birth, address, email address, employer, interests. why does this type of information n...